Systematic Mapping of the Applicability of Self-healing Materials in the Active and Online Monitoring of Mechanical Systems

  • Stanley Washington Ferreira de Rezende Universidade Federal de Catalão
  • Bruno Pereireira Barella
  • José dos Reis Vieira de Moura Júnior


The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) method has been widely used in the detection, localization, and quantification of mechanical system damage. However, in recent years there has been a growing search for methods that not only made it possible to identify the presence of failure, but which in a way interacted with the system by proposing measures to contain and repair them. This contribution presents a systematic review of the literature on the development and applicability of self-healing systems in the active monitoring of failures in structural components. In addition, this study also focuses on the current state of the art regarding the use of memory alloys as self-healing materials. To perform the systemic mapping, the databases used were: Portal of Periodicals of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher-Level Personnel (CAPES), Scopus, Web of Science and Engineering Village. It is noteworthy that the execution of the mapping study process made possible the optimization of the study, as well as the identification of the main GAPs related to the subject. Results demonstrated that the process of applying self-regenerative materials in mechanical systems is a recent subject with great possibilities to be explored, such as the aggregation of different damage assessment methods, statistical inference methods and remotely controlled systems of way to develop it online.

How to Cite
Ferreira de Rezende, S. W., Barella, B. P., & de Moura Júnior, J. dos R. V. (2020). Systematic Mapping of the Applicability of Self-healing Materials in the Active and Online Monitoring of Mechanical Systems. REVISTA CEREUS, 12(3), 135-148. Retrieved from