Systematic study on the potential application of kriging methods in electromechanical impedance-based structural health monitoring

  • Daniel Resende Gonçalves Universidade Federal de Catalão
  • José dos Reis Vieira de Moura Júnior Universidade Federal de Catalão
  • Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira Universidade Federal de Catalão
  • Henrique Senna Diniz Pinto Universidade Federal de Catalão
  • Marcos Vinícius Agapito Mendes Universidade Federal de Catalão


The occurrence of failures in equipments and civil structures elapse from several factors, such as impact, friction and fatigue, demanding efforts for its correction. However, due to the security risks that such failures represent in the industrial environment, it’s necessary to monitor structures and equipments with the aim of rapidly identify the beginning of a failure, which allows making preventive decisions in a timely manner. Collected data from piezoelectric sensors demands their spatial interpolation for detection of structural damages. Given this fact, and considering the existence of a spatial correlation in these information, being capable to be spatial interpolated by kriging methods, it was performed a systematic literature review, based on CAPES’ Portal de Periódicos, about the application of kriging methods in several areas, including the solid mechanics and electromechanial instrumentation one. It was identified a lack of research in this area, which can be intensely explored due to the small amount of papers (1% relative to total) and the wide applicability of the electromechanical impedance-based structural health monitoring.

How to Cite
Gonçalves, D. R., Vieira de Moura Júnior, J. dos R., Carneiro Pereira, P. E., Diniz Pinto, H. S., & Agapito Mendes, M. V. (2020). Systematic study on the potential application of kriging methods in electromechanical impedance-based structural health monitoring. REVISTA CEREUS, 12(3), 149-161. Retrieved from