Time-Varying Graphs e séries temporais: Análise do ensino de física nacional por meio de redes semânticas complexas
For the study of emerging patterns in semantic networks, metrics belonging to social and complex networks can be used. This article aims to present the construction method and the analysis of the complex semantic networks formed by the titles belonging to the dissertations and theses defended in Physics Teaching in Brazil, between the years 1972 to 2006. The analyzes took place through the statistical properties of the complex networks, in static networks. Find the hubs and indicate the themes that guided Physics Education in Brazil. The constructed networks presented hybrid characteristics, through the phenomenon of small world and free of scale. We build and analyze the networks based on titles using a computational model that evolves over time, through a Time-Varying Graphs (TVG). The results indicated the temporal variations by the time windows, annually, providing indications of how the evolution of the area of Physics Teaching occurred in Brazil. Finally, the analysis of Network Theory and Science, presented itself as a robust tool to analyze the evolution of national Physics Teaching.
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