Mapeamento sistêmico da aplicabilidade da análise de confiabilidade em sistemas de monitoramento estrutural


The structural integrity monitoring method (SHM - Structural Health Monitoring) was widely used in processes of detection, location and quantification of damage in mechanical systems. This study area aims, mainly, to analyze the structural integrity of mechanical systems, covering not only the damage identification process, but also correction and control actions. In parallel, a reliability analysis has seen an increase in research not only in structures, but also in composite materials to assist in the probabilities of structural failure according to their failure modes. This work presents a systematic review of the literature regarding the development and applicability of the reliability analysis in the monitoring of component failures corrects. To carry out the systematic mapping, databases of the Portal of Journals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), SCOPUS and Web of Science were used. It is noteworthy that a study of the execution of the mapping process enabled the optimization of the study carried out, as well as made it possible to identify the main GAP’s regarding the subject addressed. The results showed that there are studies on the practical application of this tool in everyday structures, but there is a great lack of studies focused on active monitoring systems.

Author Biographies

Renan Garcia, Universidade Federal de Catalão

Bacharel em Matemática Industrial e Mestrando em Modelagem e Otimização, Universidade Federal de Goiás-Regional Catalão.

Camila Pereira da Silva, Goias Federal University

Bacharel em Matemática Industrial e Mestranda em Modelagem e Otimização, Universidade Federal de Goiás-Regional Catalão.

José dos Reis Vieira de Moura Jr., Goias Federal University

Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Catalão.  

How to Cite
Garcia, R., Camila Pereira da Silva, & José dos Reis Vieira de Moura Jr. (2021). Mapeamento sistêmico da aplicabilidade da análise de confiabilidade em sistemas de monitoramento estrutural. REVISTA CEREUS, 13(2), 136-149. Retrieved from