Perfil nutricional, satisfação com a imagem corporal e erro alimentar em adolescentes com baixo peso


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to evaluate the nutritional profile and satisfaction with body image of adolescents with low weight and/or eating error. METHODS: Cross-sectional study, with adolescent patients attended in the outpatient service from Institute of Hebiatry, at the Centro Universitário FMABC. RESULTS:  Twenty-nine adolescents among 10 and 18 years were enrolled in this study (16 female and 13 male), diagnosed with low weight and/or eating error. Of the total sample, 26 adolescents answered about body image satisfaction, with 13 adolescents (50,0%) reported dissatisfaction. Three adolescents (10.3%) reached daily energy consumption recommendations. Regarding macronutrients in the daily intake, 17 adolescents (58.6%) reached protein recommendations, 4 (13.8%) reached lipid recommendations and none reached carbohydrate recommendations. Regarding micronutrients intake, 5 adolescents (17.2%) reached daily recommendations of Iron and none of the adolescents reached recommendations of Calcium. CONCLUSION: the present study aimed to provide detailed observation about adolescents with low weight and/or eating errors. The results evidenced inadequate eating habits, with a significant deficit of essential nutrients, which can lead to health issues. This information is important to develop better nutritional strategies for this public.

Author Biographies

Aldrin Eder da Silva, Centro Universitário ABC - FMABC

Estudante do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário FMABC

Camilla Cristina de Campos Radziavicius, Centro Universitário FMABC

Doutoranda em Ciências da Saúde e Mestre em Ciências da Saúde pelo Centro Universitário FMABC

How to Cite
da Silva, A. E., & Radziavicius, C. C. de C. (2021). Perfil nutricional, satisfação com a imagem corporal e erro alimentar em adolescentes com baixo peso. REVISTA CEREUS, 13(2), 218-229. Retrieved from