Análise do impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na saúde mental da população brasileira
Objective: To determine, through a systematic review, the impacts of mental health during the COVID 19 pandemic and the consequences that the virus had on society's life. Methods: This is a systematic literature review, using as reference the databases indexed in the data portal of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Scielo. The descriptors consulted were: COVID-19 and Mental Health; In this context, the inclusion criteria adopted to choose the articles were articles with full text, Portuguese language and issues related to mental health, social isolation, the pandemic, quarantine and psychological stress. The exclusion criteria were research that escaped the theme and case/experience report. Results and Discussion: The research showed that the Covid-19 pandemic is generating mental illness in the Brazilian population, with a high prevalence of negative psychological repercussions such as anxiety, depression, stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that this pandemic has deleterious effects on the mental health of the Brazilian population, stressing that it is important to continue to investigate the topic, so that the mechanisms and psychological reactions underlying such an atypical and challenging period of life can be perceived.
Keywords: Pandemic; Mental health; Social isolation; Quarantine; Psychological Stress.
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