The knowledge of the students in a University of Goiás about Human Papillomavirus and the HPV Vaccine
The objective was to evaluate the knowledge of academics about HPV and the anti-HPV vaccine. This is an epidemiological, descriptive and analytical study carried through a questionnaire applied to 361 students of the Biomedicine and Pharmacy course at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás in 2016. The data iserated in the IBM SPSS Statistics VERSION 20, 2011® program, using the chi-square test (X²) with a 95% confidence interval, p <0.05. The gender and knowledge of the inclusion of the vaccine in the national calendar of the National Immunization Program (PNI) of the Ministry of Health (MS) was significant (p =0.002), the female gender presented 92.2% compared to 80.3% of the male gender. The question of who can use the anti-HPV vaccine was significant (0.003), 63.8 of which were female and 50% male, both considered insufficient. Regarding the age range of the recommended anti-HPV vaccine and the gender showed significance (p = 0.001), 89.4% were classified as satisfactory, compared to 72.3% as classified as reasonable. It is concluded that a better approach is needed in the classroom, with awareness measures aiming at greater adherence to anti-HPV vaccination.
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