Analysis of the vaccination status and immunization records of students in the first years of elementary school


The objective was to investigate the vaccination status and immunization records of children enrolled in the first, second and third years of elementary school, in municipal schools in Palmas (TO). This is a cross-sectional field study with a quantitative approach. A total of 205 student vaccination cards were evaluated, representing all regions of the city, between October 2020 and April 2021. Of the analyzed cards, 46.34% were from female students, aged between 71 months and 116 months; 82.44% had updated vaccination status and 8.29% of the cards did not contain the note of the return date to receive the subsequent dose of vaccine. The chickenpox booster stood out among the doses not administered (95) and the booster against Yellow Fever with the highest number of delayed doses (27), considering the age of the children and the vaccines that could still be administered, following the schedule national vaccination program. The findings point to a vaccine situation below the target established by the National Immunization Program, requiring intervention in the scenario in order to prevent diseases that have already been controlled from impacting children's health again.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Larissa Gabriela Larissa Vieira Pinto, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Acadêmica do curso de Enfemagem da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).

Elayne Carolyne Torres Pereira, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Acadêmica do curso de Enfemagem da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).

Viviane Reis Nunes, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Acadêmica do curso de Enfemagem da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).  

Flávia Martins Montelo, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Acadêmica do curso de Enfemagem da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).  

Tereza Raquel Carvalho da Silva, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Acadêmica do curso de Enfemagem da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).

Jaciane Araujo Cavalcante

Mestre em Ciências da Saúde. Enfermeira no Instituto Crescer.

Ulisses Vilela Hipólito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Enfermeiro. Doutor em Ciências. Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).

Mirian Cristina dos Santos Almeida

Enfermeira. Doutora em Ciências. Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT) e Fundação Escola Saúde Pública de Palmas (FESP).

How to Cite
Gabriela Larissa Vieira Pinto, G. L., Elayne Carolyne Torres Pereira, Viviane Reis Nunes, Flávia Martins Montelo, Tereza Raquel Carvalho da Silva, Jaciane Araujo Cavalcante, Ulisses Vilela Hipólito, & Mirian Cristina dos Santos Almeida. (2021). Analysis of the vaccination status and immunization records of students in the first years of elementary school. REVISTA CEREUS, 13(3), 153-167. Retrieved from