Trabalhadores de saúde em centros de atenção psicossocial: vínculos frágeis / atuação profissional comprometida


Objective: Considering that the establishment of a link between health professionals and users constitutes the possibility of constructing practices aimed at quality in mental health care, the present research had the objective of presenting the characteristics of the management in two Psychosocial Care Centers of the State of Mato Grosso, in order to highlight the harmful weight of temporary contracts in establishing a link between professional-patient and consequently in the quality of care offered. Method: The research is descriptive and comparative. The data were collected through structured questionnaires, answered by the managers responsible for each unit. Results: The results point to a large portion of the professionals working under a contract with their relationship established temporarily with the institution, making care fragile and the breakdown in care visible, which can substantially reflect on the therapeutic process of patients. Conclusion: It is evident the harmful weight that temporary contracts have reflecting on the inadequacy of the bond between professional-patient and consequently negatively affecting the quality of care offered. Descriptors: Mental health services. Empathy. Reorganization os humsn services.


How to Cite
Lima, C. M., Silva, B. C. de S., Silvestre, G. C. S. B., Magalhães, D. dos S. S., Ferro, R. B. C., Nascimento, G. N. X. do, & Figueiredo, S. E. F. M. R. de. (2021). Trabalhadores de saúde em centros de atenção psicossocial: vínculos frágeis / atuação profissional comprometida. REVISTA CEREUS, 13(4), 85-95. Retrieved from