Estudo de Sistema Complexo Encosta Hidrológica com Critérios Multiobjetivos
This work addresses the study of a complex hydrological slope system using multi-objective optimization algorithms. The complexity of this type of calibration is based on the uncertainties associated with the hydraulic properties of the soil. The larger scale case study of hillslope reveals several challenges, which were, considering four different soil horizons, the simulation of the interfaces between layers of soil, among others. The chosen study case was convenient because it offered measures of suction matric both along its length and at the depth of the hillslope. Additionally, subsurface flow measurements were made available at the base of the slope. The calibration performance was based on the use of several techniques, such as, mathematical model of simulation of the physical phenomenon, inverse model, constitutive model, among others. In the analysis of the mathematical model, the water flow was contextualized in unsaturated soil in partial differential equations. The mathematical model was aided by the techniques of the Finite Element Method for discretization of the physical domain and the Finite Differences Method of discretization in time. In this way, matrices were formulated to fit the mathematical model. Finally, for purposes of calibration was used the MOPSO (Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm for a multiobjective adjustment. The results of simulation are reasonable, but there are still paradigms to be uncovered especially in relation to the hydraulic properties of the soil.
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