Microflotação de hematita e quartzo com óleo de manga


Flotation is one of the most used techniques in mineral processing, and in the case of iron ore, amine is used as a gangue collecting reagent. One of the problems with this reagent is its low tolerance to fines, making it difficult to process more complex reserves or to attempt to recover ore present in tailings. Thus, this study verified the behavior of hematite and quartz in microflotation using mango oil as a collecting reagent, at concentrations of 2, 5 and 75 mg/L. Tests of the separated minerals were carried out, in a Fuerstenau cell, with 11 g of sample and at pH 7 and without desliming. In addition to the mineral recovery values, the kinetics of the process were also studied using the rectangular model. The results showed that quartz had recovery close to 25% at the three concentrations, and hematite had recovered 65.85% at the concentration of 75 mg/L of collector. The kinetic parameter of hematite at 75 mg/L had a value of 3.19 [1/min], and quartz had a value of 1.48 [1/min] at the same concentration. This demonstrates the potential of mango oil as a hematite collector.

How to Cite
de Orquiza Milhomem, F., de Oliveira Gomes, B., & Medeiros da Luz, J. A. (2022). Microflotação de hematita e quartzo com óleo de manga. REVISTA CEREUS, 14(1), 169-177. Retrieved from http://ojs.unirg.edu.br/index.php/1/article/view/3673