Assessment of consumer knowledge about food sources of prebiotics and probiotics


The objective was to verify the knowledge of consumers about functional foods that are sources of prebiotics and probiotics. This is a descriptive study, cross-sectional and qualitative/quantitative analysis, developed with 100 adults, by sending an online questionnaire, via Google Forms, through social networks (Whatsapp, Instagram, Telegram and Facebook). Most participants were female (75%). The foods most cited as sources of prebiotics and probiotics by consumers were yogurt with lactic acid bacteria, fermented milk, fruits and whole grains. Regarding the benefits that these functional compounds can provide when consumed, 69% of the participants mentioned the improvement of intestinal functioning and 49%, the strengthening of the immune system. There was an association between age group and consumers' knowledge about what foods are sources of prebiotics and probiotics (p-value ≤ 0.05). This study showed that most participants had a simplified knowledge about what they are, what are the benefits and food sources, evidencing the need for greater dissemination of what are the effects on the body and the food sources. In this sense, it is essential to introduce new public policies to improve access to information about these compounds.

How to Cite
Barbosa Santos, A. P., Belquiz Lopes Aguiar , T., Gonçalves Silva, D. H., & Vieira, K. H. (2022). Assessment of consumer knowledge about food sources of prebiotics and probiotics . REVISTA CEREUS, 14(2), 25-34. Retrieved from