Caracterização epidemiológica dos 300 primeiros casos de COVID-19 em Palamas-TO


Objective: to describe the epidemiological profile of the first 300 cases confirmed of covid-19 in the city of Palmas-TO. Methods: the data was obtained through the Confirmed Case Monitoring Worksheet of covid-19 in the municipality of Palmas-TO, with the support of platforms used by the public health system of the city. After data collection, it was tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and subsequently analyzed the variables: age, biological sex, occupation, address, history of comorbidities and form of contagion. Results and discussion: the research showed that among the cases analyzed, the predominant ones were female patients, people aged between 30 and 39 years, people who had had contact with a case positive for covid-19. The most prevalent comorbidity was arterial hypertension. Conclusion: the results obtained in studies such as this one are very important to assist in the constant coping policies, containment and prevention policies for covid-19. It is suggested to carry out similar studies with the cases subsequent to those analyzed in this work, in the city.


Keywords: Pandemic. Public Health. Coronavirus.

How to Cite
Santos Fonseca Daoud, A. I., de Azambuja Picoli Alcântara, M., Souza Gomes, N., & de Oliveira Figueiredo de Sousa, N. (2022). Caracterização epidemiológica dos 300 primeiros casos de COVID-19 em Palamas-TO. REVISTA CEREUS, 14(2), 139-150. Retrieved from