Nursing and medical undergraduates' knowledge about covid-19, paramentation and de-paramentation in the context of Pandemic


This study investigated the knowledge of undergraduate nursing and medical students from the last periods of their undergraduate studies at the Universidade Federal do Tocantins, regarding covid-19 and the correct use of personal protective equipment. This was a cross-sectional study, with collection via internet, between October 2020 and April 2021. We used a questionnaire composed of 20 items for sociodemographic and academic characterization, knowledge of covid-19 and personal protective equipment. The research was approved by the local Research Ethics Committee. Fifty-three students participated, with a prevalence of females (n=39) and a mean age of 25.08 years (dp±1.41); 71.70% (n=38) were nursing students in the 8th period (n=13). As for the paramentation, 81.13% (n=43) got the correct sequence right, however 81.18% (n=43) got the order of equipment removal wrong. Regarding knowledge about covid-19, 22.6% (n=12) were wrong about the type of mask recommended for the general population, 43.40% (n=23) about the group of people more susceptible to severe forms of the disease, and 47.16% (n=25) about the differences between the symptoms of the common cold and those of covid-19. Knowing the gaps in students' understanding of covid-19 and forms of protection allows for strategic teaching in the training of these future professionals.

How to Cite
Oliveira , P. H. A. M., Pimentel, S. M., Silva, J. B. N. F., Santos, L. F., & Silva, J. B. (2022). Nursing and medical undergraduates’ knowledge about covid-19, paramentation and de-paramentation in the context of Pandemic. REVISTA CEREUS, 14(3), 278-290. Retrieved from