Cerrado fruits: source of bioactive compounds with high applicability potential
The Cerrado biome constitutes an immeasurable patrimony of renewable natural resources that shelters a diversity of species of fauna and flora, such as fruit species that stand out mainly for their nutritional characteristics. These are fruits with high concentrations of bioactive molecules. In this sense, this study aims to carry out a survey on Cerrado fruits, the profile of bioactive compounds and their potential for the production of fermented beverages. The research took place along the lines of scientometrics with document analysis. The results demonstrate that the fruit species of the Cerrado have numerous compounds, bioactive that can be allied to the maintenance of health and the prevention of diseases. The main ones are flavonoids, phenolic compounds, tannins, anthocyanins. This biome stands out for the biodiversity of flora species, and some of its fruits are rich in bioactive compounds which can be applied in various areas of knowledge and industrial processes. Cerrado fruits have great potential for the production of fermented beverages, due to their potential for sugars and exotic flavors and can contribute to local economic development
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