Eficácia e Segurança do Tratamento da Malária em Gestantes:uma revisão integrativa

an integrative review

  • Caroline Silva Rocha Bacharel em Farmácia. Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Débora Cavalcante Braz Professor Adjunto do Curso de Farmácia. Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Adonyas Carlos Santos Neto Bacharel em Farmácia. Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Mario Henrique da Silva Lima Bacharel em Farmácia. Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Larissa Cristina Fontenelle Doutora


The objective was to identify parameters that allow evaluating the therapeutic response to treatment in pregnant women diagnosed with malaria, as well as its impact on multi- and primigravidae pregnant women. An integrative literature review was carried out from 1990 to 2020, with searches in PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT, EMBASE, SCOPUS and LILACS databases. 243 articles were obtained, of which 78 were pre-selected to be read in full. Of these, 23 articles were approved. It was observed that post-treatment parasitemia and placental parasitemia did not differ significantly from each other when compared as parameters for detecting malaria in pregnant women. Hemoglobin values showed an average increase of 0.83 g/dL in patients after treatment. Primigravidae had a higher risk of post-treatment parasitemia, development of placental parasitemia and having children with low birth weight when compared to multiparous women. It is noted, therefore, that post-treatment parasitemia, analysis of placental parasitemia and hemoglobin values should be considered in the future to monitor the effectiveness of treatment in this special population.

How to Cite
Silva Rocha, C., Cavalcante Braz, D., Santos Neto, A. C., da Silva Lima, M. H., & Fontenelle, L. C. (2023). Eficácia e Segurança do Tratamento da Malária em Gestantes:uma revisão integrativa. REVISTA CEREUS, 15(1), 209-224. Retrieved from http://ojs.unirg.edu.br/index.php/1/article/view/4082