Association between garbage burning and respiratory diseases on indigenous in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Background: Solid waste incineration of solid waste releases chemical particles and harmful gases, generating smoke that can increase respiratory diseases (RD). Objective: To investigate the correlation between the number of indigenous, rates of garbage burning, and numbers of respiratory diseases in Mato Grosso do Sul. Method: Secondary data from IBGE and DATASUS. We used Pearson's correlation statistical analysis. Results: There was a significant relationship between indigenous and the number of residences that burn garbage (p<0.0001). There was also a correlation between the number of fires and indigenous with RD (p=0.0144) and the number of residences that burn garbage by demographic density (p=0.0072). Pneumonia and asthma accounted for 61.66% of indigenous hospitalizations for RD. Conclusion: Unspecified pneumonia makes up 59% of pneumonia hospitalizations among indigenous. Reinforce the assumption that burning garbage can contribute to increased hospitalization among the indigenous population.
Keywords: Hospitalizations. Human exposure. Pneumonia. Solid waste.
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