Mental Disorders, causes and impacts among Health Professionals: an integrative review
Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization (2022) as a state of well-being in which the subject faces the usual stresses, realizing their skills, to learn and work well, to be productive and contribute to the community. This is an integrative literature review based on the following guiding question: what are the main mental disorders and their possible causes that affect health professionals. The themes addressed in these studies provide relevant subsidies for the planning of interventions and policies aimed at protecting the mental health of health professionals in their work activities. After reading and analyzing the articles, the following thematic categories were defined: Prevalence of mental disorders in nurses, doctors and residents working in hospitals; Impacts of the Pandemic on the mental health of health professionals; Risk Factors, protective factors and coping strategies. It is important to discuss the mental health of health workers, since this population, as seen, is exposed to different situations that compromise the quality of life of these professionals and their work.
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