Viabilidade técnica do manejo florestal sustentável em uma área sob concessão florestal na Amazônia Oriental
Viabilidade técnica do manejo florestal sustentável em uma área sob concessão florestal na Amazônia Oriental
This study examines the technical feasibility of sustainable forest management in an area under concession in the Saracá-Taquera National Forest in the Eastern Amazon. Data were collected from Annual Production Units 6 and 3 of Forest Management Units II and 1A, respectively. Logging and skidding cycles were monitored and timed, estimating standard, normal, and pause times for each stage of the cycle and the overall operational cycle. Despite irregular times indicated by high coefficients of variation, the total normal time for the logging and skidding cycles was 17.33 and 5.92 minutes, respectively. Operational efficiency was 96.87% and 96.55% for the logging and skidding cycles, respectively. Operational productivity, considering effective working time, was 20.68 m³ h-1 for logging and 45.62 m³ h-1 for skidding. Regression analysis revealed a significant influence of skidding distance on average productivity, explaining 70% of the variation. Skidding productivity and extraction costs were directly affected by skidding distance.
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