Popular use of medicinal plants for the treatment and control of hypertension: an integrative review

Thallyta Juliana Pereira da Silva, Letícia Fernanda Magalhães de Holanda, Thaís Amanda Alves de Souza, Nathália Camilly da Silva Neves, Ivanise brito da silva.


Hypertension is highly prevalent in Brazil. With this, health services seek strategies for the prevention and control of the disease. One of the non-pharmacological strategies for the treatment of this condition is the use of medicinal plants. This study aimed to investigate, through an integrative review, the use of medicinal plants popularly used for the treatment and control of hypertension in Brazil. It was a descriptive research based on an integrative literature review. The selection of articles was performed by two researchers simultaneously, the selection stage was carried out by reading titles and abstracts, through the free web review program called Rayyan Qatar Computing Research Institute, thus, seven articles were selected. In the articles, there was a randomized clinical trial and ethnobotanical studies, which are essential for scientific evidence. Eighteen different species were identified in the evaluated studies, with the most used parts: leaves and seeds. The use of plants was identified as a therapeutic possibility, the investigation of this use is important for prescribers, since the chemical constituents present in plant species can interact with antihypertensive drugs.


Keywords: Hypertension. Medicinal plants. Brazil

Author Biographies

Thallyta Juliana Pereira Silva, Instituto Federal de Pernambuco-IFPE

Discente do curso Bacharelado em enfermagem no IFPE- campus Pesqueira 

Letícia Fernanda Magalhães de Holanda, Instituto Federal de Pernambuco-IFPE

Discente do curso Bacharelado em enfermagem no IFPE- campus Pesqueira 

Thaís Amanda Alves de Souza , Instituto Federal de Pernambuco-IFPE

Discente do curso Bacharelado em enfermagem no IFPE- campus Pesqueira 

Nathália Camilly da Silva Neves, Instituto Federal de Pernambuco-IFPE

Discente do curso Bacharelado em enfermagem no IFPE- campus Pesqueira 

Ivanise brito da silva, Instituto Federal de Pernambuco-IFPE

Docente do curso Bacharelado em enfermagem no IFPE- campus Pesqueira. Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inovação Terapêutica (PPGIT-UFPE). Doutora em Inovação Terapêutica pelo Programa de Pós- Graduação em Inovação Terapêutica -PPGIT-UFPE. Experiência profissional nas áreas de plantas medicinais, produtos naturais, morfometria, morfologia, histologia, e educação em saúde. 
