Restauração indireta Endocrown: Relato de caso clínico

Ana Luísa de Araújo Ávila, Vitória Almeida Ramos, Sônia Maria Paiva Torres

  • Ana Luísa de Araújo Ávila UNIRG
  • Vitória Almeida Ramos
  • Sonia Maria Paiva Torres UNIRG


Introduction: The aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of teeth with extensive coronary destruction treated endodontically is a challenge that can be satisfactorily solved through endocrown restoration. The constitution of the technique, based on a unitary adhesive endodontic crown, does not require retention pins, and its preparation consists only of a central retention, which uses as its main factor the pulp chamber and adhesive system. Objective: The goal of this study was to present a case report of an endocrown restoration. Materials and methods: This case was executed at Dental Clinic University of Gurupi, in an individual whose posterior tooth had an extensive corona dentis destruction and was treated endodontically. Conclusion: The result obtained met the expected aesthetic and functional requirements.

Key-words: Endocrown. Adhesive restoration. Intracranial retainer.
