Avaliação da qualidade de vida e energia vital de mulheres idosas participantes de um programa de exercício físico após sessão de reflexologia podal

Francisco Dimitre Rodrigo Pereira Santos, Raisa Ramos dos Anjos, Guilherme Carlos Malagutti, Ruth Ellen Quirino Carvalho, Laís de Oliveira Santos, Joelma Alves Chaves, Letícia Bezerro Brito, Fernanda Carneiro Ramos.

  • Francisco Dimitre Rodrigo Pereira Santos Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão
  • Raisa Ramos dos Anjos
  • Guilherme Carlos Malagutti
  • Joelma Alves Chaves
  • Letícia Bezerra Brito
  • Laís de Oliveira Santos
  • Rhut Ellen Quirino Carvalho
  • Fernanda Carneiro Ramos


The objective was to verify if foot reflexology influences the quality of life and vital energy of elderly women participating in a physical exercise program. A quantitative study was performed conducted with 32 elderly women divided into two groups. For data collection, the questionnaires, sociodemographic, clinical and WHOQOL-BREF were used. Vital energy was quantified by the Ryadoraku apparatus. Data were analyzed using BioEstat 5.0 software with descriptive statistics and student t-test (p-value=0,05). It was possible to identify that the physical domain presented regular result in both groups. In psychological, GI and CG had scores of 3,46(±0,51) and 3,25(±0,44) respectively; in social relations and environment showed no significant difference. In assessing vital energy the average of the groups decreased. Foot reflexology did not influence the quality of life and vital energy of active elderly women; however, it is believed that if more sessions are applied the result could be positive.
