Physical activity and leisure options of the administrative servers of the university of Gurupi UnirG - TO

Eliana Zellmer Poerschke Farencena, Mayara Marques Batista, João Bartholomeu Neto

  • Zellmer Poerschke Farencena Centro Universitário UnirG


Introduction: Modern life imposes obligations to people, which restricts the choices we make about what to do with our free time. Objective: analyze the perception of health and well - being, associated to the habitual physical activities performed in leisure practice of the administrative servers (Campus II) of the University of Gurupi UnirG TO. Methods: The research was carried out with 50 crowded servers in Campus II ("Health Campus"), of both sexes, in the age range of 18 to 60 years. It was used the "Questionnaire on lifestyle and leisure habits of industrial workers 2006 \ 2007" adapted for the servers of UnirG - TO. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with a cross-sectional and quantitative nature. Results: The results showed that among the interviewees, 96% of the participants considered their health condition to be fair, with a favorable predominance for men 54% and 42% for women. 60% considered themselves physically active, with a high prevalence in men, 58%. The prevalence of physical inactivity in Leisure was higher among women 40%. Final Thoughts: In this sense, intervention strategies are recommended that encourage and encourage, in the groups, the maintenance and adoption of healthy behaviors and diversity in leisure activities, especially for the female audience.

Key words: State of Health and well-being. Physical activity. Recreation. Administrative Servers.
