Effects of exercise in oncological patients in palliative care: a systematic review
Pedro Lucas de Oliveira Soares, Tainá Soares Risso Rattes, Ana Quênia Gomes da Silva Allahdadi
The aim of this study was to describe the physiological effects of exercise protocols and to present the impact on the quality of life of cancer patients in palliative care. A systematic review was performed, using the descriptors: Physical Exercise and Palliative Care, in the electronic databases SciELO and PubMed. The search and selection of the studies took place from September to November 2020. The four articles included in this review had their methodological quality assessed by the PEDro scale. The practice of physical exercise in moderate intensity promoted beneficial effects reducing fatigue sensation and pain perception, improving depressive symptoms, increasing muscle strength and trophism, enhancing functional independence and quality of life in these patients. In conclusion, physical exercise proves to be a non-medication therapeutic possibility to promote comfort for this population, but further studies on the subject are necessary
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