Pharmaceutical Assistance in the use of emergency contraceptives

Geane Marinho de Oliveira, Laryssa Matias Costas, Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco


Emergency contraceptives (EC) is an evolution in science that has been contributing to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, it is a method used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse, helping to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, it is popularly known like “morning-after pill” or “emergency contraceptive”. Thus, the objective of this work is to evaluate pharmaceutical assistance in the use of emergency contraceptives. However, the present work is a systematic literature review, developed based on material already prepared, consisting mainly of books and scientific articles, in which 21 articles were selected and content examined to certify the relationship with the theme. In view of this, 9 articles that prevailed studies on animals that are not the object of the research were excluded, and a total of 12 articles that were relevant to the work. From this perspective, it was observed that EC is easily sold in drugstores without a medical prescription and mostly without the guidance of the pharmacist, showing the importance of the professional being trained to advise and guide possible doubts, as pharmaceutical care is an activity focused on the patient, in which professionals are responsible for the needs related to medications and their commitment to them.

Author Biographies

Geane Marinho de Oliveira, Universidade de Gurupi

Acadêmica do curso de Farmácia Generalista da Universidade de Gurupi- UNIRG

Laryssa Matias Costas, Universidade de Gurupi

Acadêmica do curso de Farmácia Generalista da Universidade de Gurupi- UNIRG

Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco, Universidade de Gurupi

Bacharel em Farmácia  Generalista pelo  Centro  Universitário Tocantinense   Presidente  Antônio Carlos  UNITPAC  –  Araguaína.  Docente do curso de farmácia e fisioterapia da Universidade de Gurupi –UNIRG.  Graduanda   em Medicina  pela Universidade  de  Gurupi  –  UNIRG. Pós Graduanda em Farmácia Clinica e Hospitalar;  Citologia  Oncótica;  e Atenção  primária  à  saúde  com ênfase em saúde da família.
