O cuidado com a saúde mental materna por meio do pré-natal psicológico

Cristina Rodrigues da Silva, Kalliny Alves Araújo, Daniela Ponciano Oliveira


Pregnancy for some women is considered the most important work of their lives, it is where many physical and psychological changes occur, which these pregnant women have to adapt to this new reality. Thus, during the gestational period, the woman experiences different feelings and emotions, hitherto unknown experiences. Thus, Psychological Prenatal comes in as a complementary practice to traditional prenatal care, which aims to humanize the pregnancy process and prevent adverse conditions that may arise during the gestational period. Thus, the aim of this research is to understand the importance of psychological prenatal care for maternal mental health. In order to achieve the objectives proposed in this study, a systematic review of scientific articles was used, through the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Periodical Capes where eight articles were found and from these articles thematic axes were discussed such as: Psychosocial factors experienced during pregnancy; Psychological prenatal care in high-risk pregnancies; Psychological prenatal care and the role of the psychologist. And through the analyzed articles, it resulted that the psychological prenatal helps the pregnant woman to overcome her current situation, regardless of possible maladaptive or traumatic past experiences. And therefore, the role of the psychologist at this time is to offer emotional support and guide the pregnant woman about emotional changes so that she can have the healthiest pregnancy possible.

Author Biographies

Daniela Ponciano Oliveira, University Federal of Pará

Mestrado em andamento pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA (2021). Especialização em Saúde Mental pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas de Marabá - FACIMAB (2020). Psicóloga (CRP-23/001916), graduada pela Universidade de Gurupi - UnirG (2020). Participa do Grupo de Pesquisa: Constituição psíquica e (des)articulações com o desenvolvimento infantil. Voluntária no projeto Clínica psicológica virtual da UFPA. Tem interesse nos seguintes temas: saúde mental, prevenção e promoção de saúde, desenvolvimento emocional e constituição do sujeito, luto, psicossomática e Psicanálise.

Cristina Rodrigues da Silva, Universidade de Gurupi

Academic of Psychology at the University of Gurupi

Kalliny Alves Araujo, Universidade de Gurupi

Academic of Psychology at the University of Gurupi
