Epidemiological Profile of Syphilis Acquired between 2010 and 2020 in the State of Acre, Brazil

Rafaela Sabatini Mello Pinheiro, Renan Passos de Souza, Clarice Maia Carvalho

  • Rafaela Sabatini Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Renan Passos de Souza Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Clarice Maia Carvalho Universidade Federal do Acre


Syphilis, a widely recognized sexually transmitted infection, represents a pressing public health concern. Despite available treatments, its propagation is facilitated by transmission dynamics, low healthcare-seekin behavior, and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to underreporting of syphilis cases in Brazil and specifically in the State of Acre. The current study aims to depict the epidemiological profile of acquired syphilis in the State of Acre. Employing a quantitative descriptive approach, data collection was executed through the Brazilian Unified Health System's Information System for Notifiable Diseases, provided by the Department of Informatics. Data were tabulated in Microsoft Office Excel, utilizing calculations for absolute and relative frequencies.The findings reveal a growing trend of acquired syphilis in the State of Acre, with 1,638 reported cases and a total of 45,724 cases in the Northern region of Brazil. Regarding the epidemiological profile, 52.08% of cases are male, 76.86% belong to the pardo (mixed race) demographic, 19.90% possess incomplete elementary education, and 19.05% fail to adhere to treatment properly. Consequently, acquired syphilis persists as a pressing public health issue, necessitating further research and the implementation of novel combat strategies.
