Comparação do controle de equilíbrio estático em variadas condições e posturas em diferentes fases do ciclo menstrual em mulheres jovens saudáveis
Alexia Andréa Fuzer Lira Pereira, Djanara Barbosa Brito, Luiz Henrique Cabral Duarte, Isis de Melo Ostroski, Tamiris Beppler Martins, Gilmar Moraes Santos
Introduction: During the menstrual cycle (MC) hormonal fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen affect the control of static balance (CSB). Objective: To verify the effect of different phases of the menstrual cycle on the CSB of healthy young women in different conditions and postures. Methodology: Women between 18 and 30 years old underwent CSB assessment using the VSR Sport force platform (Neurocom™) during the menstrual (PM), luteal (PL) and follicular (PF) phases of MC. The speed of oscillation of the center of gravity was measured in bipedal, single-legged and tandem postures following the Stability Evaluation Test protocol. Results: 19 women (21.52 ± 2.85 years) were evaluated regarding the oscillation of the center of gravity during PM, PL and PF of the MC. No statistically significant differences were found between postures during the MC. Only in the single-leg posture there was a significant difference (p = 0.032), with a greater speed of oscillation of the center of gravity in PF (1.85±0.53) compared to PL (1.70±0.45) and PM (1.64±0.38). Conclusion: The findings showed no correlation between CSB and hormonal fluctuations. The only difference observed in PF in single-leg support may be related to the greater requirement for motor control than in bipedal and tandem postures.
Keywords: Postural balance. Menstrual cycle. Proprioception.
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