Trend analysis of vaccination coverage of Polio in Acre, 2013-2022

Melissa Moreno de Andrade, Isis Nara Alves de Oliveira, Jeniffer Dantas Ferreira, Thainá Souza Ribeiro

  • Melissa de Andrade Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC)
  • Isis Nara Alves de Oliveira
  • Jeniffer Dantas Ferreira
  • Thainá Souza Ribeiro


Aims: To analyze the trend in polio vaccination coverage in the state, health regions and municipalities in Acre. Method: Ecological study, with a quantitative approach, from secondary data of National Immunization Program Information System. Vaccination coverage in children under five years old between 2013 and 2022 was included. Joinpoint was used for trend analysis, estimating the annual percentage change (APC), average change (AAPC) and confidence intervals (95%CI). Results: Vaccination coverage for children under one year of age was higher in Alto Acre. In Rodrigues Alves (AAPC: -11.95 95%CI 16.99; -6.56), Plácido de Castro (AAPC: -10.95 95%CI -20.39;-0.08) and Bujari (APC: - 26.85 95%CI -56.33;-5.34) a significant downward trend was identified. Jordão (AAPC: 2.07 95%CI -1.88;6.11) and Sena Madureira (AAPC: 6.04 95% CI 2.46;9.67) showed an upward trend. The 1st booster had the lowest coverage rate in Acre and health regions. A stationary trend was observed in the state for the 2nd reinforcement and an upward trend in 13 of the 22 municipalities. Conclusion: A decreasing trend was observed for children under one year of age and in the first booster vaccination coverage against Polio in Acre and health regions between 2013 and 2022, similar to other locations in the country.

Keywords: Vaccination. Poliovirus Vaccines. Poliomyelitis. Ecological Studies. Nursing.

