Registry of motorcycle accident fractures at a secondary hospital in the middle Solimões region - AM: 20-year retrospective

20-year retrospective

  • William Leite Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Angelne Dantas Chaves Federal University of Amazonas
  • Deliany Mendes da Silva Batista Federal University of Amazonas
  • Romário de Lima Nascimento Federal University of Amazonas
  • Taissa Santos de Oliveira Federal University of Amazonas
  • Hildemberg Agostinho Rocha de Santiago Federal University of Amazonas


Objective: To perform a retrospective survey of fractures in victims of motorcycle accidents treated in the Orthopedics Department of the Hospital Regional de Coari Prefeito Dr. Odair Carlos Geraldo - AM in the last 20 years. Method: This is an epidemiological study of retrospective and descriptive cohort, with data collection from documentary base.  Data collection was performed in the Medical Archives of the Hospital Regional Dr. Odair Carlos Geraldo (Coari - AM), between August and December 2020. The study included all medical records and radiological reports of patients who were victims of traffic accidents involving motorcycles treated by the Orthopedics and Traumatology sector, aged 18 years or older. Incomplete, illegible medical records and radiological reports, or those with discordant information were excluded. Results: 980 medical records were collected and it was found that most cases were male (69.38%), with a mean age of ± 48.53 years, predominantly between 18 and 28 years (54.89%), 98.46% of cases were from individuals from Coari, with a predominance of fractures in distal regions of long bones, especially in the lower limbs. Conclusion: Given the data presented, it is concluded that the study was similar to the national literature consulted.
