Qualidade de vida em servidores técnico administrativos: um estudo em uma Universidade do sul do Tocantins

Andressa Saraiva Castilho, Ana Paula Bezerra Barbosa Vinicius Lopes Marinho, Jeann Bruno Ferreira da Silva.


Introduction: According to the WHO (World Health Organization) quality of life can be defined as "the individual's perception of" their position in life, in the context of the culture and value system in which they live and in relation to their objectives, expectations, standards and concerns'' Quality of life is a progressive concern in society, and this is due to the association between health and QoL, even being considered as synonymous terms, but this is a broader term that involves not only health , but also physical, mental and social well-being. Objective: To investigate the quality of life of administrative technical staff at a university in Southern Tocantins. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional quantitative survey carried out with 61 civil servants from a University in the south of Tocantins, Brazil. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and according to the WHOQOL-bref correction manual, with data presented in graphs and tables. Results: In terms of quality of life scores, the largest domain was social relationships and the smallest was the environmental domain. Final considerations: Servers evaluate their quality of life positively, however they have some alteration in the evaluation in the work environment, which can influence their quality of life.

 Keywords: Quality of life; servers; administrative; university

Author Biographies

Jeann Bruno Ferreira da Silva, Universidade UNIRG, Brasil
PhD Student in Regional Development from the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT; Master in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT; Postgraduate in Mental Health from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences of Marabá - FACIMAB; Postgraduate in Organizational and Work Psychology at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences of Marabá - FACIMAB; Graduated in Psychology from UnirG University Center; He is currently teaching career as Assistant Professor in the Psychology and Medicine courses at the University of Gurupi - UnirG; Acts as a Clinical Psychologist in the care of youth and adults. Has experience in Collective Health with emphasis on Occupational Mental Health and Health Promotion, acting on the following subjects: Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Occupational Psychology, Health Psychology, Regional Development and Public Health Policies.
Vinícius Lopes Marinho, Universidade de Gurupi

Psicólogo, Doutor em Ensino pela Universidade do Vale do Taquari-UNIVATES.Mestre em Ciências da  Saúde pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins. Docente dos cursos de Psicologia e Odontologia da Universidade de Gurupi-UNIRG.

Andressa Saraiva Castilho, Universidade de Gurupi

Acadêmica do curso de Psicologia, Universidade de Gurupi - UnirG.

Ana Paula Bezerra Barbosa, Universidade de Gurupi - UnirG

Enfermeira, acadêmica do curso de medicina. Universidade de Gurupi - UnirG.
