Principais características da atuação dos profissionais de enfermagem da Atenção Primária em Saúde na assistência ao paciente soropositivo
Luana Maria Lima Feitosa, Sandra Rodrigues da Silva Rosa, Leidiany Souza Silva, Rogério Carvalho de Figueredo, Rafael Souza Silva
The term “AIDS” can be conceptualized as a pathology related to contamination by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which in turn can cause the organism to weaken because it settles in the individual's immune system. The present study aims to identify the main difficulties and weaknesses expressed by nurses and nursing technicians of Primary Health Care (PHC), when providing care to HIV-positive patients. This is a descriptive field research, according to the assumptions of the qualitative and quantitative method, performed in a Basic Health Unit of the municipality of the interior of the state of Tocantins, with nursing professionals. Among the main results, it was surprising that most participants do not know about the ways of controlling HIV / AIDS infection, and did not receive training for rapid tests. Regarding the implementation of campaigns for HIV prevention, most respondents said to develop educational actions, but said they had difficulties. In conclusion, PHC nursing professionals play an important role in preventing HIV infection and providing care to HIV-positive patients. However, there is still a lack of knowledge about HIV / AIDS on the part of the nursing staff; highlighting the need for updates related to the theme.
Key-words: Nursing care. Seropositive patient. Primary Health Care.
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