A importância do diagnóstico precoce no tratamento do câncer de orofaringe: Estudo de caso

André Luiz Barbosa Santos, Jamil Elias Dib, Leonardo Begalles de Souza.

  • Leonardo Begalles UNIRG


Early diagnosis is a secondary preventive step, which increases the likely of cure and thus, guarantees

longer patient’s survival, increasing quality of life and offering subsequent less invasive and destructive

forms of therapy when we consider many types of neoplasms, among them, espino-cellular carcinoma,

(ECC). The goal of this study was to assess and study the case diagnosed early as espino-cellular carci-

noma in the region of the soft palate, in the dental clinics School of  Dentistry, Regional  University   of

Gurupi-UNIRG, one day in  2018. The  method   used  in  this case  was  cross – sectional based on a

retrospective analysis of the patient’s chart. An excisional biopsy was indicated  based  primarily in the

neoplasm size and the enclosed report confirmed that  that  safety  margins  both laterally and in depth

were free of infiltration. Consequently, it was possible to confirm that early diagnosis provided the best

method of treatment for the patient and  the  favorable  outcome improved his quality of life. Treatment

can be carried out using less aggressive therapy which may lead to a longer patient’s survival .
