Epidemiological Evaluation of Cervical Cancer in the State of Amazonas

Davis Wilker Nascimento Vaz, Jim Davis de Oliveira, Hannah Imbelloni Evangelista, Luíza de Castro Pontes, Ramon William da Silva Rezende, Lucas Gabriel Vieira de Carvalho

  • Davis Wilker Nascimento Vaz Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Jim Davis de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Hannah Imbelloni Evangelista Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Luíza de Castro Pontes Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ)
  • Ramon William da Silva Rezende Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Lucas Gabriel Vieira de Carvalho Universidade Federal do Pará


Cancer of uterine cervix is one of the main public health problems of the female population in the world. In Brazil, with the exception of non-melanoma skin tumors, cervical cancer is the third most prevalent in women. The present study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of cervical cancer in the State of Amazonas, from January 2015 to December 2019. This is a retrospective, quantitative, with an ecological approach study that used data available at SIH/DATASUS. The study identified that most patients hospitalized with cancer of uterine cervix were brown in the age group of 40 to 49 years. The majority of these hospitalizations were concentrated in the region comprising Manaus plus its surroundings and Alto Rio Negro. It was found a progressive annual increase in the number of hospitalizations and the number of deaths due to this disease in the state. Thus, it is essential to intensify public policies aimed at the prevention of cervical cancer, especially in cities furthest from the large urban centers of the north region. In addition, it is essential that the screening and diagnostic measures are enhanced in the region, in order to reduce the time elapsed until the diagnosis.

Author Biographies

Davis Wilker Nascimento Vaz, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Acadêmico de Medicina na Universidade do Estado do Pará

Jim Davis de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Hannah Imbelloni Evangelista, Universidade Federal do Pará


Luíza de Castro Pontes, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ)


Ramon William da Silva Rezende, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Acadêmico de Medicina na Universidade do Estado do Pará

Lucas Gabriel Vieira de Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Pará

