Avaliação de habilidades básicas de estudantes no espectro do autismo no ambiente de aprendizagem
Francidalma Soares Sousa Carvalho Filha, Eutima Klayre Pereira Nunes, Maria Vitória Melo de Oliveira, Janderson Castro dos Santos, Laylla Luanna de Mello Frasca, Thais Vilela de Sousa, Iel Marciano de Moraes Filho
Objective: to evaluate the acquisition of basic skills of students on the Autism Spectrum. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach, based on the Basic Language Assessment and Revised Learning Skills instrument. 23 children were allowed to participate in the Autism Spectrum Transport, in nine data collection centers, in addition the data were organized in tables and tabulated in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software, then they were consolidated using the techniques of descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies), were later discussed based on the literature produced on the topic. Results: the students showed greater skills in the playground and in their free time exploring toys in the environments and removing and positioning them properly and at the lowest levels they presented low skills in social interaction demonstrating that most participants are not able to maintain eye contact , corroborating that they do not have good group experiences and difficulties in interacting with teachers Conclusion: the research participants are able to perform necessary skills for daily life, however, it was noticed that part of the students were sometimes unable to perform the task, now got poor performance.
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