The influence of PCR on criminal expertise

Kassya Munyse Cardoso Alves, Poliana Pinheiro Silva,Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco, João Paulo Silva Azeredo,

  • Kassya Munyse Cardoso UNIRG
  • Poliana Pinheiro Silva UNIRG
  • Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco Universidade de Gurupi
  • João Paulo Silva Azeredo Universidade de Gurupi


Introduction: PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a technique of cell biology, developed and conceptualized by biochemist Kary Banks Mullis in the 80's. The repercussion and impact of PCR granted Mullis the Nobel Prize in chemistry shortly after this method had recognized for providing advances in research, especially in molecular biology. This technique brought advantages that led the genetic sequencing to several branches, among them, the area of ​​forensics. Objective: Consists of proving the importance of this method within forensic investigations, through biological materials found at the crime scene, which grants genetic analysis, comparing it later with legal applications. Proposed Methodology: It refers to an elucidative and descriptive study, elaborated through the bibliographic review, developed through databases found on digital platforms, by books, scientific articles and magazines. Results: In every crime committed, in which one person happened against another, or himself, and may even be against property, the author left evidence even if to a tiny degree at the microscopic level. Conclusion: the present study is to prove the effectiveness of the PCR technique in the elucidation of crimes, through biological samples collected for analysis, providing ease and transparency for professionals, through criminal expertise, thus obtaining relevance in the results of the cases presented. .

Keywords: PCR. Molecular biology. Forensic genetics. Criminal investigation.

Author Biographies

Kassya Munyse Cardoso, UNIRG

Acadêmica do curso de farmácia  na  Universidade  de  Gurupi UNIRG.

Poliana Pinheiro Silva, UNIRG

Acadêmica do curso de farmácia  na  Universidade  de  Gurupi UNIRG.

Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco, Universidade de Gurupi

Bacharel   em   Farmácia Generalista  pelo   Centro Universitário  Tocantinense Presidente   Antônio  Carlos UNITPAC  –  Araguaína.  Docente do  curso  de  farmácia  e fisioterapia  da  Universidade  de Gurupi –UNIRG.  Graduanda    em Medicina   pela  Universidade   de Gurupi  –  UNIRG. Pós graduanda em Farmácia Clinica  e Hospitalar; Citologia   Oncótica;   e  Atenção primária à saúde com ênfase em saúde da família.

João Paulo Silva Azeredo, Universidade de Gurupi

Farmacêutico Clínico e Industrial pela Universidade de Brasília, Pós graduação em Farmácia Clínica e Oncológica. Acadêmico de medicina na Universidade de Gurupi- UNIRG.
