Mental Fog – Application Construction on Post-Covid Mental Cloud Signals

Jorge Luiz Lima da Silva, Igor Barreto Meirelles, Willian de Jesus Oliveira, Kevin Sousa Barbosa, Camila de Souza Elethério, Gustavo Martins Lemos

  • Jorge Luiz Lima da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Igor Barreto Meirelles
  • Willian de Jesus Oliveira
  • Kevin Sousa Barbosa Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Camila de Souza Elethério Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Gustavo Martins Lemos


The brain fog can be defined as a feeling of being mentally slow, confused or distracted, which makes it difficult to concentrate and reason. Objective: report the experience of building an application for suspected brain fog and raising awareness on the topic. Material and method: this is an experience report of a step-by-step methodological study on the elaboration of the technological prototype that aims to build a hybrid application, desktop and mobile, based on signs and symptoms. Results: the application design was modified so that the steps, interactions and responses to the questionnaires were similar to a chat, in real time. The final corrections and adjustments were made through functional tests and demands that arose during the preparation until the presentation of the final version. Conclusion: it is clear that the “Brain Fog” application could be a useful tool for raising awareness about signs of the condition, as well as a source of information to promote mental health. The product is freely accessible and is receptive to adaptations to suggestions from the community.
