Uso do óleo de coco babaçu (Attalea speciosa) como emoliente em formulação fitocosmética com ação hidratante

  • Francisco Dimitre Rodrigo Pereira Santos Unidade de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão
  • Márcia Guelma Belfort Santos
  • Vanderlene Brasil Lucena
  • Maíra Barros Viana
  • Adriana de Araújo Pereira de Castro


The aim of the present study was to analyze the inclusion of coco babaçu oil (Attalea speciosa) in a moisturizing cream formulation. This was a descriptive experimental search. The babassu coco oil (Attalea speciosa) used for this study was commercially purchased from the workers' association of the Mata Grande extractive reserve, located in the town of Genipapo, Senador La Roque - MA. First, a pilot formulation was performed to improve the proposed techniques and physical observations of the emollient incorporation. Afterwards, the moisturizer was manipulated followed by the quality tests. The incorporation of babassu coco oil (Attalea speciosa) was satisfactory along with the other associated components, having significant emollience, viscosity and moisturizing powers. Preliminary quality tests, such as pH, organoleptic and microbiological tests, proved to be compatible with the skin, promoting the confirmation of a preliminary product that generates aesthetic benefits. The inclusion of phytocosmetics developed from natural components linked to sustainability can bring health benefits, as well as favors regional identity and nature preservation.

How to Cite
Pereira Santos, F. D. R., Belfort Santos, M. G., Brasil Lucena, V., Barros Viana, M., & de Araújo Pereira de Castro, A. (2020). Uso do óleo de coco babaçu (Attalea speciosa) como emoliente em formulação fitocosmética com ação hidratante. REVISTA CEREUS, 12(4), 2-13. Retrieved from