Fatores associados às incapacidades físicas da hanseníase: revisão integrativa
Objective: to identify evidence in the literature about factors associated with physical disability in leprosy. Method: integrative literature review with searches performed in Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences and Scientific Electronic Library Online. and the final sample consisted of fourteen studies. Results: The factors for physical incapacity in leprosy identified were: older age, less educated, male, unemployed, low income, geographic location, classification as MB, leprosy reactions, presence of affected nerves, sensory deficiency, Virshowian clinical form, bacilloscopy positive, high number of skin lesions and complaints related to leprosy during MDT treatment. Regarding the protective factors for the physical incapacities of leprosy, the studies showed the following findings: female gender, living in an endemic region and higher levels of education. Conclusion: Public policies must include health professionals to identify associated factors and physical disabilities aiming at appropriate interventions for the patient.
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