Conhecimento de gestantes sobre toxoplasmose
Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis that is at risk of causing anatomical and functional damage to the fetus when it affects pregnant women. This study aimed to verify the knowledge of pregnant women about the possible causes of toxoplasmosis, fetal consequences of infection during pregnancy and prevention measures. The observational research presented a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional design, with 45 pregnant women invited in prenatal consultations, in seven basic health units chosen for convenience, in the city of Palmas (TO), to respond to a semi-structured interview, between January and March de 2017. The results showed that the knowledge of the pregnant women interviewed about toxoplasmosis was insufficient, pointing out the importance of the role of health professionals, especially nurses, in continuous educational activities, making primary prevention measures effective, minimizing the risk of fetal sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis.
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