Parallelization of a coarse-mesh neutron transport method applied in the solution of one-dimensional neutron shielding problems

  • Rafael Barbosa Libotte Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Hermes Alves Filho
  • Fernando Carvalho da Silva


In this work, a coarse-mesh method used in the solution of neutron shielding problems in slab geometry is parallelized, using the memory shared environment OpenMP. The neutron transport problem is modelled using the linearized Boltzmann equation considering the energy multigroup theory and the discrete ordinate formulation ( ). The numerical method, named Modified Spectral Deterministic (MSD), uses the neutrons transport intranodal general solution alongside an iterative process to calculate the outgoing neutron angular fluxes on the nodal interfaces. Two model-problems are solved, comparing the iterative process execution time using different number of threads. The numerical results, which achieved around 30% and 50% better execution time, were generated using the programming language C++. 

How to Cite
Barbosa Libotte, R., Alves Filho, H., & Carvalho da Silva, F. (2022). Parallelization of a coarse-mesh neutron transport method applied in the solution of one-dimensional neutron shielding problems . REVISTA CEREUS, 14(1), 349-366. Retrieved from