
The compulsory psychological assessment for the possession of weapons is provided for in Brazilian legislation, and is the field of action of many psychologists. In this study, the psychologist's performance against the Compulsory Psychological Assessment was analyzed, which is nothing more than a mandatory assessment, when the individual must carry it out due to some legal requirement. With this, it is intended to understand the real work of this professional regarding this type of evaluation, what type of instruments and methodology he uses and his responsibility in this type of work that implies the acquisition of a weapon by the citizen. The objective of this study was to analyze the scenario presented by research in the area of ​​psychological assessment for the acquisition of weapons in the last 10 years. In the methodology, bibliographic research was used through a systematic and integrative literature review. Data collection took place through the Scielo and PubMed database, among others. Of the 26 works selected between the period from 2012 to 2021, 12 were selected and used in this study. The results showed that there are many weaknesses in this area, such as lack of studies on the instruments of IN 78/2014, lack of instruments suggested by the Normative Instruction of the Federal Police nº 78/2014 to evaluate certain psychological constructs, training of professionals for application, correction and analysis of results, and preparation of documents, interview and feedback to the candidate.

How to Cite
Almeida, K., Regina Alves Barreto Holanda, K., Maria Lago , T., & Mara de Souza , S. (2022). COMPULSORY PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN CARRYING FIREARMS. REVISTA CEREUS, 14(2), 278-292. Retrieved from