Use of psychotropic drugs dispensed at a pharmaceutical supply center: epidemiological aspects and associated factors

epidemiological aspects and associated factors


Psychotropics are considered safe and effective drugs for the short-term treatment of some diseases and/or behavioral disorders. However, major problems have been analyzed due to the abusive use of this pharmacological class, resulting in physical and psychological dependence in the long term. Therefore, the objective of the study was to trace the epidemiological profile and factors associated with the use of psychotropic drugs by users registered in a Pharmaceutical Supply Center. Therefore, a cross-sectional, qualitative and descriptive study was carried out, whose sample consisted of 310 individuals who responded to a semi-structured questionnaire, containing the variables: sociodemographic and economic characteristics, lifestyle, self-rated health and prescribed medications. The results showed that the prevalence occurred in females, aged between 18 and 59 years. Of these, 90.7% and 85.1% have mental disorders and emotional problems, respectively. The most used drugs were clonazepam, amitriptyline and fluoxetine. Therefore, it was noticed that the therapeutic interventions are not limited to the prescription of medicines and that anxiety and depression were the most frequent symptoms in the interviewed population. Therefore, the importance of campaigns on mental health with the population was highlighted, aiming at reducing drug intake and avoiding the risk of drug dependence.

Author Biographies

Andrea Carla de Oliveira Sousa, Centro Universitário da Vitória de Santo Antão (UNIVISA)

Graduada em Farmácia pelo Centor Universitário da Vitória de Santo Antão - UNIVISA

Diana Ramos Cavalcanti, Faculdade Integrada Tiradentes (FITS), Jaboatão dos Guararapes – PE

Graduanda em Medicina pela Faculdade Integrada Tiradentes (FITS)

Julyana Viegas Campos, Centro Universitário da Vitória de Santo Antão (UNIVISA)

Mestre em Saúde Coletiva (UFPE). Docente do Centro Universitário da Vitória de Santo Antão (UNIVISA)

Danilo Ramos Cavalcanti, Centro Universitário da Vitória de Santo Antão

Doutor em Ciências Biológicas (UFPE). Docente do Centro Universitário da Vitória de Santo Antão (UNIVISA)

How to Cite
Sousa, A. C. de O., Cavalcanti, D. R., Campos, J. V., & Cavalcanti, D. R. (2022). Use of psychotropic drugs dispensed at a pharmaceutical supply center: epidemiological aspects and associated factors. REVISTA CEREUS, 14(3), 124-134. Retrieved from