Psychological violence against women in the state of São Paulo

  • Iracema Teixeira da Silva IPA
  • Isabella Velasco Morimitzu
  • Lucas Alencar Ximenes
  • Paula Roberta Matos Quirino dos Santos


Psychological violence is a social and public health phenomenon that affects millions of women around the world, including those residing in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Therefore, this work aims to describe cases of psychological violence against women in São Paulo. This article consists of an ecological, cross-sectional and retrospective research with a quantitative approach. In searches in the database - DATASUS/ Violence, between the period from 2017 to 2021, a total of 62,710 reports of psychological violence in women in the state of São Paulo - SP were found. Several factors influence the decision to notify or not report what happened, such as access to reporting services and awareness of one's own rights, without necessarily mirroring the dissemination of psychological violence. From this perspective, it is up to future studies to identify, analyze and discern the interference of these and other factors in research on psychological violence; and, perhaps even more important, produce more accurate and comprehensive analyzes on the topic.

How to Cite
Teixeira da Silva , I., Velasco Morimitzu, I., Alencar Ximenes , L., & Matos Quirino dos Santos , P. R. (2023). Psychological violence against women in the state of São Paulo. REVISTA CEREUS, 15(3), 267-274. Retrieved from