Narración de la intubación orotraqueal por familiares de pacientes fallecidos por Covid-19


Viral pneumonia is a common disease linked to Covid-19. In more severe cases, airway interventions are necessary, such as orotracheal intubation and management with invasive mechanical ventilation. The aim was to analyze the narratives of family members of patients who died from COVID-19 about orotracheal intubation. This is a qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. For data collection, a semi-structured interview was used, recorded with the patient's consent and then transcribed. The study included individuals over the age of 18, living in São Luís, whose family member died in the intensive care unit. Data analysis used the thematic content analysis proposed by Minayo and the Theory of Social Representations approached by Serge Moscovici. Intubation has become a procedure that hastens death, calling into question the medical professional's ability to carry out the procedure. In addition, death in hospital generates more suffering because of the loneliness that the family member finds themselves in. Therefore, the hospital comes to be seen as a place of death and not health. In this scenario, continuing education for medical professionals is necessary in order to promote training and reduce health problems.

How to Cite
Costa Duarte Neto, N., Antônio Barbosa Pacheco, M., Adriane Pinheiro Trindade, D., Lobão de Oliveira, M., de Maria Araújo Mendonça Silva, F., & Maria Douat Loyola, C. (2024). Narración de la intubación orotraqueal por familiares de pacientes fallecidos por Covid-19 . REVISTA CEREUS, 16(3), 279-286. Retrieved from