Prevalência de ansiedade frente à cirurgia oral: Um estudo com usuários da clínica escola de odontologia da Universidade de Gurupi.


During his professional life, the dental surgeon faces several difficulties, one of them being the anxiety of patients undergoing dental surgeries. Anxiety is considered a phenomenon that generates feelings of apprehension, tension, nervousness and worry and that associated with dentistry can end up becoming a barrier to oral health. The aim of this study was to identify the degree of anxiety of patients who are seen at the Gurupi University School of Dentistry Clinic. For this purpose, the Corah Dental Anxiety Scale was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and data presented through tables and graphs. As a result it was found that 70% of respondents had some level of anxiety regarding dental surgical procedures and there was a prevalence of females

Author Biography

Vinicius Lopes Marinho, Universidade UNIRG

Psicólogo,Doutorando em Ensino, Mestre em Ciências da Saúde, Professor do curso de Psicologia e   Universidade de Gurupi.
